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Sunday 18 May 2014


Ever wondered how this keeps happening ?

I'm sure the “tangling up of earphones” must have made it to your “the most intolerably irritating things in the world” list very easily. We keep our earphones in our bags, pockets, etc. always to find them all tangled up when checked upon later. And this leaves us with the question: Why does this happen? You might have to straighten your earphones out yourself but we’d take the pleasure of straightening this question out for you.As much as it may surprise you, there is a whole mathematical discipline, which they call “the knot theory” which deals with the issue of the types of knots that get formed in storage. Studies have identified more than a 100 types of knots that happen in your pocket. In over 3400 different trials (Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string, Dorian Raymer and Douglas Smith), it was found that the probability of knot formations in earphones kept in the pocket is sky-high and each time a new type of knot is formed. It's not very probable that you would come across the same type of knot twice.

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